Guess what? Silhouette has come out with a new electronic cutter. It is very similar to the Silhouette SD, but you can cut a 12" wide area. Here is a clip about the Silhouette Cameo from youtube. It will not be out until this fall and I am sure it will do the same great job the Silhouette we now use does. It is just wider. Don't worry if you are using the Silhouette SD, I have never found the 8" wide cutting area to be a disadvantage. The icing sheets I use fit very nicely in the Silhouette and the gum paste I roll out for designs is usually 6" wide. I will let you know if the 12" version is really a better deal for cake decorators, and if we will be selling it. A lot depends on the final cost of the machine. My goal is to offer the best machine at the best price.