I have made several camo cakes as wedding cakes or grooms cakes. This is a very easy cake to make. I scanned a piece of camo paper and printed it on a frosting sheet. I chose a design that reminded me of grass for the side of the bottom and top tier. The middle tier was just a band of the printed frosting sheet. The top is from Colorado Carla, a plastic deer and foilage from Hobby Lobby help complete the look. This is a very easy cake to decorate. I used Photo Frosts frosting sheets and they cut very well.
The cake was covered in a dark avocado green. The designs were cut and applied to the sides. I put the frosting sheets on a piece of cardstock. I use apply shortening to the back of the frosting sheet and stick it onto the card stock. I cut the designs out, and when I remove the designs there is enough shortening on the back of the design to stick to the side of the cake. I give greater detail in the section on getting the perfect cut.